Monday, August 31, 2009


after school we went down for some waves in the dead swell. we got a little bit not many. pretty inconcident but the dolphines were loving it. here are a couple shots. got some more but meh. there not great.
By the way during this seshion peter johny burke adam pulled into a wave and seen i dolphin drop in on him so he bailed. he got sucked around but when he came round he landed on his board/ but the rail of the board went right between his legs. he flashed us his rudies and i promise that they had a least double since the time when seen with the vagine in his bum(long story) jono had the camera and missed the shot but i just thought i will tell you all the story:)




Tuesday, August 25, 2009


today it seems that everyone who surfs is doing it for fame. they all want to get "sponsered" and to go "pro". you never hear kids saying that they are doing it for fun. they all jsut want fame and fortune. these seems to be the things that i can find that surf for the fun. not the fame


Monday, August 24, 2009

yet some more days wothout waves. i havent taken any photos since my last post due to NO SWELL. this after noon i was so board that i decided that i will go and experiment and see if i can get any photo's of anything. they are retty lame but i managed to get a couple of shots. here they are




Saturday, August 15, 2009

greatness means crowds

today once again after a cold blanket less slepp thanks to someone not worth naming:( haha. we head north a bit to early. we were there at sun up whitch wasnt the best idea. we had it to our slef for 2 hours. but it had big spilling water full lumps. and the worst light i have ever seen. but soo the waves started throwing over and a couple even smacking up and the sun gave me some wondeful light:) but along with greatness comes a crowd. with over 20 people out we had to leave because my mates "dont do crowds" but here are some of the shots i rattled off.






its been a while

as you can see i havent post for a while now. due to the facts; a) i have got a new computer and have only put on a editing program two days ago b) lack of swell c)i am the laziest personell.

on wednesday i headed down to a local patch of reef to find that a beach along the way was actually to go. i shot there for 1 hour due to basketball. in this hour i managed to actaully snap a couple blog worthy pieces of work. they are as followed.




Sunday, August 2, 2009


yesterday we were up with the sun. on the prowl from open empyt long blue cyclinders once again. we find the location but wasnt as anticipated. again. i jumped in the water. grabbed some footage got out to take some shots. was better than we thought when we got there. here are a couple shots from the session.



water shots?

i have a good feeling that my housing is on the lift off pad. yesty retep and myself put our minds together to yet again try and get th housing in operation. it was perfect. soft coon and waterproof. so we thought. off a couple shots in the shories i headed out the back to only find out that water got into the switch. this didnt get to the cam but wrecked the switch. this evening i have purchesed a new switch so tomorrow will try again. this itme i think that we will finally get it. here are 2 of the hsots that i got in the less than 5 minutes of the working housing

